Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile discipline of self protection that includes an extensive variety of strikes, kicks, joint locks, pressure points, grappling and disarming techniques. The result is a practical, comprehensive Self Defense system that is enjoyable to learn and produces effective results for realistic situations.
Combat Hapkido's dynamic concepts are based on scientific principles of anatomy and bio-kinetics as well as psychology and strategy. It is well suited for men and women of all sizes because physical strength and athletic abilities are not essential. The emphasis is on redirecting the assailant's aggression and power back towards then with little effort and minimum force. Founding this system did not involve "inventing" the techniques. It was a matter of selecting the most realistic, effective and practical ones, modifying others and then combining and arranging these techniques in a structured system of instruction designed for individuals of all physical abilities living in a modern society. Combat Hapkido is also ideal for those individuals (for example: many women, busy professionals, security personnel and law enforcement officers) who do not have the time, desire or ability to commit themselves to the demanding study of a traditional Martial Art. The essence of Combat Hapkido is pure Self Defense. It is the synthesis of dynamic concepts, scientific principles, realistic applications and plain common sense. The following video clip gives a small example of the Combat Hapkido training program. A longer version with audio describing the Hapkido program, titled " Combat Hapkido Demo DDC", is also available for viewing. For additional video clips please use the You Tube link found under "Training, Contact and Links" ; specifically Combat Hapkido "Demo" and Combat Hapkido "Demo 2". |
The difference between traditional Martial Arts and Combat Hapkido:
Combat Hapkido is a new, modern style of Hapkido developed by Grandmaster John Pellegrini. Combat Hapkido differs from other Hapkido styles philosophically as well as technically, including, but not limited to, the following examples: * Combat Hapkido is 100% Self Defense. There are no forms. * All Combat Hapkido kicks are directed to the lower part of the body, no "acrobatic" kicks are taught. * Combat Hapkido employs breakfalls and throws in a very limited manner. * Combat Hapkido has no hard blocks or stances. * Combat Hapkido does not teach "Traditional" weapons. Cane, belt and other self defense tools are taught. * Combat Hapkido teaches special firearms disarming techniques. * Combat Hapkido contains a complete Ground Survival program. * Combat Hapkido is not a sport and cannot be modified nor regulated to be one. There are no competitions, tournaments or championships. * Breaking boards or any other material is not required nor desirable. * Combat Hapkido, because it is flexible, dynamic and eclectic continues to evolve. |